Course curriculum

  • 1

    Cultivating a Positive Mindset - Level 2 Course Introduction

    • Cultivating a Positive Mindset - Level 2 Course Introduction Video

    • Course Flow and Best Practices

    • Printable Program Curriculum Map (Course 1-2)

    • All 6 Cultivating a Positive Mindset Worksheets

  • 2

    Fixed vs Growth Mindset

    • Fixed vs Growth Mindset Worksheet

    • Lesson 1 - Fixed vs Growth Mindset

    • Fixed vs Growth Mindset Quiz

    • Fixed vs Growth Mindset Homework Challenge

  • 3

    Perspective - Changing the Story

    • Perspective: Changing the Story Worksheet

    • Lesson 2 - Perspective: Changing the Story

    • Perspective: Changing the Story Quiz

    • Perspective: Changing the Story Homework Challenge

  • 4

    Positive Self-Talk (aka Self-Coaching)

    • Positive Self-Talk / Self-Coaching Worksheet

    • Lesson 3 - Positive Self-Talk / Self-Coaching

    • Positive Self-Talk Quiz

    • Positive Self-Talk Homework Challenge

  • 5

    My Motivation Statement

    • My Motivation Statement Worksheet

    • Lesson 4 - My Motivation Statement

    • My Motivation Statement Homework Challenge

  • 6

    Positive Body Language and Communication

    • My Motivation Statement Worksheet

    • Lesson 5 - Positive Body Language and Communication

    • Positive Body Language and Communication Quiz

    • Positive Body Language and Communication Homework Challenge

  • 7

    Goal Setting 102

    • Goal Setting 102 Worksheet

    • Lesson 6 - Goal Setting 102

    • Goal Setting 102 Homework Challenge